Project Overview: ES-0529
This project was a comprehensive study of the feasibility of constructing bikeway facilities on Lakeway Drive from Woburn Street to Ellis Street, as indicated in the 2014 Bicycle Master Plan. Pedestrian improvement needs were also considered, as recommended in the 2012 Pedestrian Master Plan.
Excerpt from the 2014 Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan (Chapter 3, page 53): Lakeway Drive is the third busiest I-5 crossing in Bellingham (25,000 vehicles per day), but is also a critical connection for residents to access downtown services and other popular cultural destinations, including Civic Field, Whatcom Falls Park, and Lake Whatcom to the east. Due to the lack of an on-street bicycle facility, many cyclists currently utilize the narrow sidewalk, generating discomfort for pedestrians as well as cyclists. Bellingham should allocate transportation funds to study and determine feasible options to install dedicated bicycle facilities through the I-5 underpass on Lakeway Drive.
Status: March 2016 – August 2017
Milestones (black) – Documents (blue):
- Press Release March 9, 2016
- Data collection week of March 14-18, 2016
- Notice of study mailed to all residences and businesses within 500 feet of the Lakeway Drive Corridor, March 21, 2016 (PDF)
- Initial project team meeting March 23, 2016
- Puget Neighborhood Meeting: Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 6:30pm, Carl Cozier Elementary School
- York Neighborhood Meeting: Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 7pm, Garden Street Methodist Church, 1326 N. Garden St.
- Whatcom Falls Neighborhood Meeting: Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 7:00pm Kulshan Middle School
- Slides presented at Puget, York, and Whatcom Falls Neighborhood Meetings (PDF)
- Public Notice of Lakeway Drive Bikeway Study Open House Sep 13, 2016 (PDF)
- Historic Photos Along Lakeway Drive (PDF)
- Slides presented at Open House, Sept. 13, 2016 (PDF)
- What Do Protected Bike Lanes (aka – Cycle Tracks) Look Like? (PDF)
- Display Panel 1: Lakeway Drive Existing Conditions (PDF)
- Display Panel 2: Conceptual 5-foot Marked Bike Lanes (PDF)
- Display Panel 3: Conceptual Two-Way Cycle Track Option 1 (PDF)
- Display Panel 4: Conceptual Two-Way Cycle Track Option 2 (PDF)
- Public Comment Form for Open House, Sept. 13, 2016 (PDF)
- Assess public comments received/continue to analyze complex portions of corridor/provide responses to comments (Sept 2016 thru July 2017)
- Continue public outreach to neighborhoods, businesses, biking community, and other stakeholders (Sept-Dec 2016)
- Design/feasibility work/develop planning-level cost estimates based on 25% design (Oct/Nov 2016 thru April 2017)
- Final Report: Presentation at Bellingham Transportation Commission (July 11, 2017) (PDF)
Participating Departments, Agencies, and Consultants
- Bellingham Public Works
- Bellingham School District
- TranspoGroup, Inc.
- MIG/SvR, Inc.
Project Details
- Status – Feasibility Study Completed
- Completion Date – August 2017
- Final Contract Amount – $50,000 Feasibility Study
- Vicinity Map – See presentation slides
- Preconstruction Photo – See Presentation slides
Chris Comeau, AICP-CTP