Shifting your transportation mode is the top action you can personally take to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions and help the Bellingham community reach the goals in its Climate Protection Action Plan.
The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Bellingham, accounting for nearly one-third of all community emissions. The majority of commuter and non-commuter trips are made in vehicles containing only one person. These single-occupancy vehicle trips, when taken in non-electric vehicles, produce more emissions than alternative modes of transportation.
You can make a big difference anywhere you go by choosing to ride your bike, walk, take the bus, or carpool instead of taking trips alone in your car. These tools can help you make the shift:
- Whatcom Smart Trips Program: Making the choice to drive your car less is not easy, but Smart Trips has resources to help. They are well-known for their monthly trip diary with prize incentives, but they also offer classes, tours, and information to help make biking, walking, riding the bus and carpooling easier.
- Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA): With their 30 fixed bus routes operating 7 days a week, WTA makes it simple to get where you need to go in Whatcom County. Their online Trip Planner will help you find the quickest routes to your favorite local spots.
- City of Bellingham Biking and Walking Information: Studies show that traveling by bike and on foot is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and other causes of early mortality (source). Not only does active commuting provide physical health benefits, but it also improves your mood and saves you money. There is an extensive network of walking trails and bike routes in Bellingham for you to explore!
- Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Up & Go Electric: There are more than 50,000 electric cars cruising the roads of Washington State and more are added every day. With dozens of makes and models now on the market, it’s getting easier to choose an electric car for your next vehicle purchase. Electrify your ride! Find an electric vehicle charging station near you.
Are you in? Start today!
Join hundreds of Bellingham community members in taking the “I’m In!” for Climate Action pledge today to make a personal commitment to shift your transportation mode. Whatcom County residents who complete the pledge are eligible to enter our quarterly prize drawing to win a tool to help you reduce your environmental impact.