Inside Bellingham Weekly: May 5, 2023

A weekly news roundup from the City of Bellingham

May 05, 2023 - by Janice Keller, Communications Director

Essence of Bellingham: Thank you to everyone who submitted to our photo competition this year. We received more than 300 entries, including the wonderful image above. Our evaluation team is eager to view them all and we expect to announce competition awards in June.

APIDA Heritage Month: May is Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month, honoring the identities, experiences, histories and cultures of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi-identified individuals. APIDA is a pan-ethnic classification that represents a diverse community of more than 50 ethnic groups including South Asians (Desi) along with those of East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander heritage. We join various partners and the broader community honoring APIDA Heritage Month, with events and other opportunities to engage with others and learn about how to support APIDA communities. A listing of events and education resources is available on the APIDA Heritage Month website. The Bellingham Public Library has compiled books, films and other resources for all ages that feature APIDA authors, characters and experiences. APIDA history is an important part of the American experience, and we encourage our community to celebrate and learn about the achievements, hardships and sacrifices of APIDA people.

Improving public spaces

Woburn sewer replacement: The Woburn sewer replacement continues, as shown in the image below, with necessary lane closures, detours, night work and other traffic impacts throughout this month while crews work to replace an 85-year-old sanitary sewer main. Area businesses will remain open and accessible. Visit the Woburn Sewer Replacement project webpage for details.

“F” Street railroad crossing: Demolition and site preparation work begins Monday, May 8, on the “F” Street railroad crossing, as part of an ongoing process to create railway “Quiet Zones” throughout Bellingham. During construction there will be both single-lane and full road closures at Roeder Avenue, with occasional detours. Access to all area businesses will be maintained. Visit the “F” Street railroad crossing project webpage for details.

Highway project: Mount Baker Highway between Britton Road and Noon Road will close to traffic this month while Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) crews remove a fish barrier. There will be a marked detour in place for the duration of the closure. While this is not a City project, it is likely to impact Bellingham travelers. Information on the project and traffic impacts available on the WSDOT website.

Media Contact

Janice Keller, Communications Director or (360) 778-8115

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