12th and Finnegan Multimodal Projects

Project Overview

This project will improve transportation safety at key intersections along the 12th Street/Finnegan Way corridor, which is the gateway to the Fairhaven Urban Village. Pedestrian, bicycle, transit rider and vehicle crossing demand has increased and will continue to increase in this area. This project includes adding:

  • A traffic signal at the intersection of 12th Street, Mill Avenue, and Finnegan Way (this traffic signal will be linked with the Harris Avenue signal)
  • New Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the intersection of 12th Street and McKenzie Avenue and the intersection of 11th Street and Finnegan Way
  • New on-street parallel parking, ADA accessible sidewalk, and street trees along a section of Finnegan Way between Mill Avenue and 11th Street
  • Bike lane improvements

Project Status – Winter 2024/2025

The project construction contract was awarded to Strider Construction for $1,306,658 at the Bellingham City Council meeting on December 16, 2024.

Project construction will begin in early 2025 and will likely continue through the end of the year. The project has different components that may be constructed at different times, depending on weather, delivery times of project components (traffic signal, RRFBs, etc.), and other factors.

Project Information

This transportation improvement project has been identified as a priority in the 2022 Bellingham Local Road Safety Plan, Bellingham’s Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, Bellingham’s 2012 Pedestrian Master Plan, and the Fairhaven Urban Village Plan.

The 12th Street – Finnegan Way corridor is the gateway to the Fairhaven Urban Village, from downtown Bellingham to the north and from I-5 via State Route 11 (Old Fairhaven Parkway) to the east. This corridor is the primary north-south route for all travelers through the core of the Fairhaven Urban Village. It also has WTA high-frequency transit service to downtown Bellingham and a WTA bus pull-out and bus shelter is located on the northeast corner of 12th/Mill/Finnegan.

Between 2016-2020, the 12th Street Finnegan Way corridor experienced 37 total collisions. This project seeks to improve transportation safety for all users of the corridor through the following improvements.

12th/Mill/Finnegan Intersection Traffic Signal

The existing 12th/Mill/Finnegan intersection uses stop signs on Mill Avenue to control traffic traveling east-west. More than 10,000 vehicles travel north-south through this intersection per day. Significant development has occurred in the Fairhaven Urban Village in recent years and additional development is expected, increasing pedestrian, bicycle, transit rider, and vehicle crossing demand through 12th/Finnegan/Mill. The increase in the use of this intersection now warrants a full traffic signal.

The traffic signal will also help address an existing sight-distance issue for vehicles traveling east at this intersection. It is challenging to see oncoming traffic when waiting on the steep slope of Mill Avenue. A traffic signal will cause north-south traffic to stop periodically, allowing traffic traveling east-west to safely move. Stopping traffic at this signal will also improve safety for pedestrians crossing at this busy intersection.

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs)

A user-activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crosswalk will be added at 11th Street and Finnegan Way to improve safety for people walking, bike, and crossing to transit bus stops between the Fairhaven Village on the west side of Finnegan Way and the Fairhaven Library and South Hill Neighborhood on the east side.

A user-activated RRFB at 12th Street and McKenzie will be added between affordable senior apartments and the local Haggen grocery store. This improved crossing will provide safer access between the Fairhaven Village and a WTA transit stop, grocery store, and Happy Valley neighborhood. There have been pedestrian injury collisions here and as growth continues, so does the pedestrian crossing demand.

Added Sidewalk

Sidewalk currently exists on both sides of the street all along the 12th Street – Finnegan Way corridor except for one section that is approximately 400 linear feet near the Finnegan Way and 11th Street intersection. This section of sidewalk will be added as part of this project to provide an important connection.

The funding for this project comes from the City of Bellingham Street Fund, Transportation Fund, and a Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Grant.


Kyle Carlson, PE
Project Engineer
Phone: (360) 778-7946
Email: kmcarlson@cob.org

Media inquiries: pwmedia@cob.org

Participating Departments

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