Located along the 800 block of Horton Road, this park includes developed trails, picnic tables, benches, and a grass meadow. A master plan for this park was completed in 2008.
City Council officially renamed the Park “Julianna Park” in 2019 in honor of Julie Guy, who made a significant contribution to the community through her tenacity and perseverance in supporting the purchase and development of parks and trails in the Cordata Neighborhood.
Park Impact Fees
Construction of the parking area, bike racks, driveway connection to Horton Road and additional native planting, was completed in December in 2020.
- Cordata Neighborhood Update (PDF)
- Vicinity Map (PDF)
- Cordata Neighborhood Park Master Plan (PDF)
- West Horton Road Extension Phase 2
- Community Park at Cordata
- Public Meeting Presentation November 7, 2018 (PDF)