Parkview Safe Routes to School

Project Overview

The Parkview Safe Routes to School Project (ES560) will add key regional sidewalks on Coolidge, Indiana, Cornwall and Vallette Street along with improvements along West Illinois. The project will also add a flashing beacon and crosswalk at Vallette Street. This project improves pedestrian and driver safety along a route to Parkview Elementary School and in the surrounding neighborhood.

This project is happening around the same time as our West Illinois Multimodal Project, which is just to the west of this project and is expected to begin construction in 2024.

Aerial map showing red lines where the project work will take place. Red lines extend from the Meridian Haggen area to Parkview Elementary School.
Vicinity Map

Project Status – August 2024

Almost done! We have been waiting on some light poles and will be able to synch up the lights and do the finishing touches over the next few months.

The project was approved by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and was awarded to Faber Construction by Bellingham City Council on July 24, 2023 (Agenda Bill 23793)

Please expect intermittent traffic delays in the project area over the next few months.

More Information

In the fall of 2022, several temporary improvements were made near Parkview Elementary. These include:

  • Crosswalks painted at Plymouth and Cornwall and across the entrance to Cornwall Park.
  • Temporary sidewalk connecting the existing Indiana Street sidewalk to the new crosswalk across the Cornwall Park entrance.
  • “Cross at Crosswalk” signage installed on the north and south sides of Indiana.

The City hosted a public open house and Q&A session on February 16, 2023 about the bike and pedestrian improvements happening as part of the Parkview Safe Routes to School, West Illinois Multimodal, and Westside Non-Motorized Improvements projects. View a PDF of the presentation slides and the recording of the presentation below.

The project was approved by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and was awarded to Faber Construction by Bellingham City Council on July 24, 2023 (Agenda Bill 23793) with a contract of $3,418,938.

This project is funded by the Bellingham Transportation Fund, a Federal Safe Routes to School Grant, and a Washington State Transportation Improvement Board Grant.


Freeman Anthony, P.E.
Phone: (360) 778-7924

Participating Departments

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