Mill Avenue Overlay

Project Overview: ES-556 This project installed sidewalks, curb, and gutter on both sides of the road and then overlayed Mill Street from Samish Way to 40th Street to improve pedestrian access and preserve roadway services. The project included site survey and geotech investigation as needed. Construction scope included adding a street section, making stormwater improvements ... Read more

Valencia Street Watermain Replacement (Closed)

Map showing utility improvements along Valencia Street
Project Overview: EW238 This project replaced the following utilities within the Valencia Street corridor: In addition to the utility replacements, the corridor roadway was repaved, and sidewalks were upgraded and replaced as needed. This project ensures continued reliability of our utilities. Project Status – Completed This project was completed in June, 2024. Contact Freeman (Fritz) ... Read more

State-Ellis Bridge Replacement

Whatcom Creek flowing under the State-Ellis Street bridge
Project Overview: ER014 The State-Ellis Bridge across Whatcom Creek was a timber structure bridge supported by wooden piles located at the intersection of State and Ellis streets. The bridge was built in the 1930’s and gradually deteriorated over time, requiring replacement. The new bridge structure is a single span concrete structure over Whatcom Creek. The ... Read more

Whatcom Creek Trunk Main

​​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview: EU182 This project re-lined a 1909 sewer trunk main along Whatcom Creek from Nevada right-of-way West to the State/York intersection. The goal of the project is to extend the life of the egg-shaped pipe by re-lining the interior. Videos of the interior of the main showed deterioration in the pipe including holes and ... Read more

2019 Overlay – Harrison St. and James St.

​​​​Project Overview: ES544 The project provides resurfacing and repair of the roadway and provides ADA upgrades to triggered curb ramps on Harrison Street from 40th Street vicinity to Hawk Way vicinity, and on James St. from Sunset Avenue to Woodstock Way vicinity. Funding source: City 161 Transportation Benefit District Fund​ Project Details Status – Complete Contract ... Read more

Northwest/Bakerview Intersection Improvements

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview: ES546 This project will evaluate and improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and efficiency through the reconstruction of curb ramps, sidewalk, traffic islands, and installation of improved visibility pavement markings in the vicinity of the Northwest Avenue and West Bakerview Road intersection. It also involves evaluating and adding center median along West Bakerview Road from ... Read more