Whatcom Falls Neighborhood

Located at the eastern edge of the city south of Whatcom Creek, the Whatcom Falls neighborhood is home to over 2,000 Bellingham residents. The neighborhood is bisected by Lakeway Drive, separating Bayview Cemetery and Whatcom Falls Park from the residential areas of the neighborhood south of Lakeway. Most of the development in the neighborhood is residential in nature, typically developed at about four units per acre density. Large tracts of undeveloped land remain at the southern and eastern portions of the neighborhood.

Bayview Cemetery, Whatcom Falls Park, and Kulshan Middle School site make up the publicly owned portion of the neighborhood. Bloedel-Donovan Park is easily accessed by the neighborhood. The City and County worked together to preserve 60 acres for future park and trailhead development at the end of Birch Street, known as “Lookout Mountain.”


Neighborhood Plan (PDF)
Neighborhood Zoning Table


Aerial photo (1,119K PDF)
Basemap (3,958K PDF)
Circulation (1,4530K PDF)
Comprehensive Plan land use (154K PDF)
Current land use (1,462K PDF)
Zoning (284K PDF)

Historical Updates

2012 – Neighborhood Plan Update



Planning & Community Development