The Meridian Neighborhood is located in the northern area of the City and currently extends from the northern City limits to Interstate 5 to the south and is situated between the Cordata Neighborhood to the west and King Mountain Neighborhood to the east. The Meridian Neighborhood contains a combination of land use zoning designations consisting of Commercial, Industrial, and Residential. A majority of the commercial and industrial zoned properties within the neighborhood have been developed with commercial uses since the neighborhood’s inception.
The Bellis Fair area is situated in the southern/central portion of the Meridian Neighborhood near Interstate 5 and is considered a regional retail area. Additionally, this area is designated as a future District Urban Village and ranked a Tier 3 Urban Village in Bellingham’s Comprehensive Plan. The eastern portion of the neighborhood along West Bakerview Road is primarily zoned for commercial and industrial uses and is recognized as a “gateway” into the City of Bellingham because of its close proximity to Intestate 5 and the Bellingham International Airport.
Several properties within this area have been developed with commercial uses on the south side of West Bakerview Road and it is anticipated that the properties on the north side of West Bakerview Road will be developed in the next planning period.
Neighborhood Plan (PDF)
Whatcom Community College IMP (PDF)
Neighborhood Zoning Table
Aerial photo (1,012K PDF)
Basemap (584K PDF)
Circulation (948K PDF)
Comprehensive Plan land use (518K PDF)
Current land use (495K PDF)
Zoning (945K PDF)
Historical Updates
2013 – Rezone request for 18 acres in Area 35