How do I know what class to enroll in?

​​​​Our instructors use the Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program. Classes are structured to fit the needs of the swimmer and focus on building skills one step at a time. The information below will help you evaluate the swimmer’s abilities and choose the best class for them.

Please contact our front desk for available times for a placement test if you are unsure of your child’s swim level.

Parent/Child (PC): These classes are for students ages 6 months to 3 years old. Parents and children are taught different games, songs, and skills to help with exposure to water, basic swimming skills, and class environment. 8 students per class. ​

Preschool (PS): These classes are for students 3 years through 5 years old. The educational design is to meet the developmental needs of three- to five-year old’s. The skills begin with simple water exposure and continue on to more advanced swimming skills. 4 students per class.

Youth (YL) – These classes are for students 6 years through 12 years old. Students begin with simple basic swimming skills and then progress through more advanced swimming skills. 5 students per class.

Teen/Adult (T/A) – For students 13 years and older and will focus on the individual needs of the students. 5 students per class.


Arne Hanna Aquatic Center
1114 Potter Street
Bellingham, WA 98229

Phone: (360) 778-7665
Fax: (360) 778-7062

​​​P​ark and Recreation Contact Information​